XTU Architects Presents An Algae-Covered, Organic-Shaped Building Proposal In Hangzhou


XTU architects’ latest high rise proposal is soon to be set in a new district of hangzhou

parisian based studio XTU architects‘frenchdreamtowers’ proposal is under study at the moment. the organic-shaped high rise building comprises a french tech hub, art center, haute gastronomie and hospitality programs. nestled at the border of a lake, the building contemplates a series of sustainable strategies such as a recycling water system and bio-facade with algaes.

nestled at the border of a lake, the building contemplates a series of sustainable strategies

the ‘frenchdreamtowers’ project is intended to bring together the frenche excellence

the building comprises a french tech hub, art center, haute gastronomie and hospitality programs

XTU architects’ ‘frenchdreamtowers’ proposal is under study at the moment

architectural program diagram

isometric model

isometric model covered in vegetation

floor plan


climatic factor diagram

designboom has received this project from ourDIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.

Source: designboom

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